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Programming Update

CrossFit Open Block - 12 Week prep

Beginning Monday we will embark on a 12 week program specifically designed to prepare team Torian for the 2021 CrossFit Games Open. The program will culminate on February 18 when the first Open workout is announced.

What is the Open?

The CrossFit Open is the largest participatory sporting event in the world and also serves as the first stage of qualifying for the CrossFit Games. It is a unique chance for our global community to come together and celebrate all that it means to call yourself a CrossFitter.

The Open epitomises everything that is unique and great about CrossFit. It’s for everyone, from beginner to elite. Whether you’ve just started in your CrossFit journey and working toward your first pull-up, or you’re Tia Toomey going for your 5th CrossFit Games title. The Open brings our community together through both shared trials and triumphs.

So what will this program look like?

Like all good CrossFit programming this 12 week block has been designed to illicit “increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains”. The Open will test all facets of fitness, so there’s no room for any holes in your game.


You will see percentage strength work pop up a few days a week. Incorporating several different iterations of the Wendler 531 program. The 12 week program will build progressively ensure strength is peaking as we approach week 1 of the Open.


Metcons will include a wide variety of movements however focus primarily on those typically seen in Open programming. Time domains will also be reflective of Open programming, and be designed to prepare our athletes for both longer grinding tests as well as shorter sharper efforts.


After talking with members we have also decided to redesign our gymnastics program. Next week will see the return of “Gymnastics Thursday’s”.

This means our gymnastics skill / strength work can be implemented into the main group programming, allowing members to come along to any class over the course of the day to work on gymnastics under the guidance of our awesome Torian coaches.

Condo WoW

Our new “Conditioning Workout of the Week” can be performed on any day, at any time for those looking to introduce a longer more cardio based workout into their training week. These workouts will largely involve rowers, bikes, & skis with a focus on building your engine while not beating you up.

So if you’re feeling sore, need a break from the intensity, or simply want to sweat, implement the Condo WoW into your training week.

But I’m not interested in the Open? What if I just want to be fitter, stronger, faster, happier.

It works for that too!


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