A new era for TORIAN!
Announcing a new era for Torian!

Our Mission
We believe in speaking the truth, and when it comes to helping people achieve their goals we are committed to teaching the tried and true principles of achievement that have been proven to bring about success. We do this without question and regardless of popular opinion or belief.
Our mission is to grow a movement of fitter, faster, stronger people who understand the gift that is the human body, and the value in learning how to use it. We do this via a culture of pursuing not only strength, but the requisite skill to use it.
We believe in training hard, and are committed to building a community of supportive, strong, humble people, who strive to be the best possible version of themselves.
We believe in the virtue of strength, both of body and mind. We believe in the art of human movement, and in the power of passionate people who care about each other’s success.
Our method is simple. We know that nothing of value ever comes easily. Whether it be education, family, wealth, or fitness, achieving something of true worth is always a process. A process which is grounded in the acquisition of solid fundamentals. We understand that one can never achieve greatness in a chosen pursuit if they don’t first master the basics.
In a time where “functional” has become a buzz word, and more and more commercial operations push into the fitness space, we are committed to investing in highly experienced coaches who have the necessary expertise to teach people how to move safely, and with skill and strength.
Of course, different people will have different goals, however the universal principles of athletic development remain the same. Whether it be the pursuit of strength, skill, conditioning, or body composition, people need experienced coaches well versed in the concepts of proper progression if they are to achieve their true potential.
At Torian we have worked hard to assemble such a team of coaches. A team that are committed to following “the process” because through experience they know it’s the only way to achieve real, long term results.
And so now we push into the next evolution of Torian, and a new system of pathways developed to give people the ability to up skill themselves in the areas of their training which mean the most to them. They will do so via well thought out progressive programming, and under the guidance of highly experienced and passionate coaches.
New programs launch August 13th 2018
We’re excited to announce the launch of some exciting new membership options, as well as the restructure of our existing ones. The new “Torian Premium” membership will revolutionise the way members can approach their training and allow them to custom design their program depending on their own personal fitness goals.
Our daily CrossFit programming will always be at the core of what we do and how we build fitter humans, however now people will have the option to supplement their CrossFit workouts with specialty classes designed to delve deeper into areas of their training which may be of interest to them.
Choosing to take up the “Torian Premium” option will allow members to take advantage of a range of different programs, and give them the flexibility to design their week of training in line with their own specific goals, availabilities and lifestyle.
See below for the new Torian programs (Core & Premium)
Torian CrossFit (Core Program)

The Torian CrossFit program is the best way for people to build a broad and general base of fitness in a fun and motivating environment. The constantly varied nature of the program, when followed consistently, ensures people will see real, measurable improvements in all aspects of their fitness, and be ready to combat any challenge life can throw at them.
“CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more.
By employing a constantly varied approach to training, functional movements and intensity lead to dramatic gains in fitness. Overall, the aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness supported by measurable, observable and repeatable results. The program prepares trainees for any physical contingency—not only for the unknown but for the unknowable, too. Our specialty is not specialising.
While CrossFit challenges the world's fittest, the program is designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect application for any committed individual, regardless of experience. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change the program. The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind.”
— Greg Glassmam
Torian Strength (Premium Program)

Torian Strength is a dedicated strength program designed to compliment the daily CrossFit wods. It give trainees the ability to focus on developing strength, power, skill and speed. Classes will involve a detailed brief and warm up, 1-2 major lifts, as well as additional accessory exercises designed to compliment the primary lifts. These classes will focus on improving an athletes technical proficiency, as well increasing all round strength across the board.
All else being equal, the stronger person always wins!
When: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 5am, 6am, 11am, 5pm & 6pm
Torian Gymnastics (Premium Program)

The Torian Gymnastics program is designed to develop a trainees skill and strength in order to progress from the basics of bodyweight movement, toward eventually gaining proficiency in the more complex, higher level skills of gymnastics. Participants will be guided through the entire class, with coaches leading them through a specific warm up, dedicated mid-body (core) work, as well as strength / technical development in all the major skills of the sport.
Tuesday & Thursday - 5am, 6am, 11am 5pm & 6pm
Saturday 9am
Torian Run (Premium Program)

A weekly running inspired workout where members will work with a coach to improve their endurance and running capacity via a varied program incorporating both short sharp intervals, as well as longer more sustained efforts. The Torian run club will also look to prepare groups to take on local fun runs, adventure races, and triathlons which will be targeted throughout the year.
When: Wednesday 6am
Torian Recovery (Premium Program)

Torian Recovery will be a chance for members to end the week with a slower more relaxed hour which focuses on mobility, stretching and self myofascial release. Participants will be guided through the class and be taught the correct execution of these techniques.
When: Saturday 10am
Torian Performance (Premium Program)

The Torian Performance program has been created to allow athletes looking to compete in the sport of CrossFit the opportunity to pursue their full potential. We have assembled a team of experienced coaches with a track record of developing athletes to the highest level of their sport. We understand that to reach an athletes ultimate potential, they must be taken on a journey of systematic progression, one that is grounded in the basics and builds upon unshakable foundations.

We take a long term approach to building strong, resilient athletes who are looking to push the boundaries of their potential and beyond. This is not an easy road, and will test an athlete to their physical and mental limits, however it is a proven path toward reaching the highest echelons of our sport.