WOD - Sat 6th April
Torian CrossFit Team of 3 AMRAP in 25: 6 Chest to bar pull-ups 8 Push press 42.5/30 10 Front squats 42.5/30 12 Lateral bar burpees...
WOD - Fri 5th April
Torian CrossFit A) Find a heavy complex: BTN jerk + Snatch balance + Overhead squat [9:00 Cap] B) Find a heavy complex: Snatch...
WOD - Thur 4th April
Torian CrossFit A) Work to a heavy Power clean for the day using the following rep scheme: 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 *No more than 9 sets total...
WOD - Wed 3rd April
Torian CrossFit 3 Rounds for max reps: AMRAP in 2: 250/200m Row 15 Power snatch 35/25 Max rep double unders *Rest 3:00 AMRAP in 2: ...
WOD - Tue 2nd April
Torian CrossFit “Tommy V” For time: 21-15-9 Thrusters 52.5/35 12-9-6 Rope climbs 15’ [22:00 Cap] Torian Gymnastics Core Conditioning...