WOD - Mon 21st Jan
Torian CrossFit “Fran” For time: 21-15-9 Thruster 42.5/30 Pull-up [15:00 Cap] Torian Strength A1) Power Clean & Jerk 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 ...
WOD - Sat 19th Jan
Torian CrossFit Teams of 2 AMRAP in 25: 16 Handstand push-ups 18 Pull-ups 200m Run 8 Squat clean 80/55 400m Run
WOD - Fri 18th Jan
Torian CrossFit A) 4 Sets for quality and load: 100’ DB overhead walk (LH) 100’ DB overhead walk (RH) 150’ DB farmers carry (LH) ...
WOD - Thurs 17th Jan
Torian CrossFit “Concept 2 Triathlon” Teams of 3 For time: 2000m Ski 2000m Row 4000m Bike *Every time a team mate comes off a piece...
WOD - Wed 16th Jan
Torian CrossFit 3 Rounds each for time: 9-7-5 Burpee box jump over 24/20” Bar muscle-up *New round every 10:00 Torian Strength A1) ...
WOD - Tue 15th Jan
Torian CrossFit A) Deficit snatch grip deadlift 4x10 [15:00 Cap] B) 2 Rounds for time: 30/24 cal Row/Bike 25 Power snatch 35/25 ...
WOD - Mon 14th Jan
Torian CrossFit For time: 50 Plate burpees 25 Plate ground to overhead 25/15 Then, 10 Rounds of 7 Toes to bar 14 Air squats Then, ...
WOD - Sat 12th Jan
Torian CrossFit Teams of 3 For time: 42-30-18 Partner deadlift 170/105 Bar muscle-up *Run 400m after each round [27:00 Cap]
WOD - Fri 11th Jan
Torian CrossFit EMOM for 20: :30 Max effort KB snatch 24/16 (LH) :30 Max effort Ab mat sit-up :30 Max effort KB snatch 24/16 (RH) :30...
WOD - Thurs 10th Jan
Torian CrossFit A) Hang squat clean 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 *Find heavy unbroken double in 7 sets or less [15:00 Cap] B) AMRAP in 15: 21...