WOD - Mon 17th Dec
Torian CrossFit For time: 50/40 cal Bike/Ski/Row 50 Deadlifts 62.5/42.5 50 Push-ups 50 Box jump overs 24/20” 50 Toes to bar 50 Alt...
WOD - Sat 15th Dec
Torian Club Championships Heats start at 6.20am - Please make sure you have booked a heat through your Wodify account “10 Tests of...
WOD - Fri 14th Dec
Torian CrossFit Team of 3 For time: 9000/7200m Row *Person 1 rows, person 2 runs a 400m and person 3 rests [35:00 Cap] Torian...
WOD - Thur 13th Dec
Torian CrossFit A) EMOM for 15: 2 Power cleans *Ascending weight, touch and go not required B) AMRAP in 12: 20 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) ...
WOD - Wed 12th Dec
Torian CrossFit E6MOM for 30: 21 Toes to bar 15 Box jump overs 24/20” 9 Sandbag cleans 150/100# Torian Strength A1) Power Snatch 3,...
WOD - Tue 11th Dec
Torian CrossFit Team of 2 For time: 150 Overhead squats 62.5/42.5 *EMOM, inc 0:00, 5 burpees [25:00 Cap] Torian Gymnastics Core...
WOD - Mon 10th Dec
Torian CrossFit For time: 2000/1600m Bike erg OR 1000/800m Row 100 Double unders 20 Shoulder to overhead 70/45 10 Muscle-ups 20...
WOD - Sat 8th Dec
Torian CrossFit Team of 3 AMRAP in 25: 15 Deadlift 85/55 15 Toes to bar 5 Power cleans 85/55 5 Bar muscle-up *Teammate 1 performs...
WOD - Fri 7th Dec
Torian CrossFit A) 5-3-3-1-1-1 Overhead squat *From rack [20:00 Cap] B) 3 Rounds for time: 10 Power snatch 62.5/42.5 15 Lat bar...
WOD - Thurs 6th Dec
Torian CrossFit Team of 4 For time: 8000/6400m Bike 4000/3200m Row [35:00 Cap]