WOD - Tues 19th June
A) Bench Press 5-5-5-5-10-10 @70-75-75-80-55-55% *Drop sets have :01 pause [20:00 Cap] B) EMOM for 15: 1st - 6 Muscle-ups 2nd - 12 Toes...
How to DOMINATE leg day!
Back squat day should be one of the toughest WODs of the week. In the bro weight world there’s a reason people tend to skip leg day and...
WOD - Mon 18th June
A) Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-10-10 @75-80-80-80-85-65-65% [30:00 Cap] B) Teams of 2 For time: 100 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) *Partner hold 150/100#...
WOD - Sat 16th June
For time: 1600m run 50 Toes to bar 800m Run 25 Strict HSPU 400m Run 15 Muscle-ups [30:00 Cap]
WOD - Fri 15th June
A) Deadlift 8-8-8-6-6-6 @70-70-70-75-75-75% [25:00 Cap] B) AMRAP in 10: 20 Alt DB snatch 20/15 40 Double unders 20 DB overhead squat...
WOD - Thurs 14th June
A) Pull-up and Ring dip skill work and technique B) AMRAP in 7: 3 Pull-ups 3 Ring dips 6 Pull-ups 6 Ring dips 9 Pull-ups 9 ring dips Etc…
WOD - Wed 13th June
3 Rounds for time: 21 Deadlifts 62.5/42.5 21 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) 15 Power cleans 62.5/42.5 15 Box jumps 24/20” 9 Power snatches...
WOD - Tues 12th June
A) Bench Press 5-5-5-5-10-10 @65-70-70-75-50-50% [20:00 Cap] B) For time: 30-20-10 Thrusters 20/15 3-2-1 Legless rope climbs 15’ [7:00 Cap]
WOD - Mon 11th June
Let the gains begin! Our 10 week strength cycle kicks off tomorrow and ICYMI click here for some tips from Mike on how to get the most...
WOD - Sat 9th June
Coach Royce Dunne places 4th and punches his ticket to the 2018 CrossFit Games #TorianProud AMRAP in 25: 3 DB snatch RH 20/15 3 DB snatch...